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简介如何克服困难的英语作文初中_如何克服困难的英语作文初中       谢谢大家给我提供关于如何克服困难的英语作文初中的问题集合。我将从不同的角度回答每个问题,并提供一些相关资源和参考资料,以便大家进一步学习和了解



1.英语作文:我如何克服学习英语时遇到的困难How I


3.How To Face Difficulties的英语作文



英语作文:我如何克服学习英语时遇到的困难How I

       As we all know that the English teaching just rises in the past several decades,still remaining on the primary stage,therefore,learners always face some problems,such as feeling difficult in remembering the words and making the grammar clear and so on.But how to find the solution to these difficulties?My opinions are as follows. When we have the feeling that some words can not be remembered easily by us,we should stop remembering them by rote,instead,we should make their meaning clear based on the intelligent memory.Besides,when we are confused with the grammar,never be impatient,just repeat reading and understanding it,if it doesn't work,go to the teachers for help.In addition,many students feel their spoken English is so poor that they dare not to speark out,this is quite wrong,for only by bravely practising speaking English can you learn the real and useful one. I believe that more difficulties exist on the way of learning English,however,as long as we make our efforts and try our best to think out the solutions,English is pretty easy to grasp. 我们都知道,英语是在近几十年兴起的,还处于初级阶段,所以,英语学习者经常遇到困难,比如说单词难记,语法难懂等等。但是怎样解决这些困难呢?以下是我的观点。当我们感觉一些单词难于记忆,我们应该停止死记硬背,取而代之的是建立在理解记忆基础上地弄清他们的意思。还有,当我们对语法感觉到困惑,千万不要失去耐心,反复地理解他,是在不行,就请教老师。另外,许多学生感觉他们的英语口语十分蹩脚,从而不敢说英语,这是严重错误的,因为只有勇敢地练习说英语才能学到最真实有用的英语。我相信还有更多困难摆在学习英语的道路上,但是,只要我们努力而尽力地找到解决办法,英语是十分容易的。自己写滴,不知道字数够不够。


       The problems I have in My English study

        I have many problems in my English study, to name just a few, they can be listed as following:

        First, my vocabulary is rather small. As a result, I can neither read fast nor understand well, and it's really not easy for me to keep new words in mind; Second, I cannot write well. As I have always been engaged in sth having nothing to do with English, I seldom have any chance to write in English; third, my listening comprehension is not good enough, because I had little training at college.

        To overcome these difficulties, I have worked out a plan. Namely, read one or two pages of English everyday, keep a diary in English & practice writing twice a week & listen to English tapes every two or three days. I believe that so long as I practice, I'll be able to read, write & understand better.

How To Face Difficulties的英语作文

























       It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. When we are faced with them, nothing is more important than hope and self-confidence. With confidence, we can find sometimes the question is not as “huge”as we imagine.

       Take most of us for example, the entrance exam to college seems to be a horrible monster.

       Accordingly, some people give up, some persist. In my eyes, with confidence, right assessment of the difficulties, as well as full preparation, try and exert your strength, and then we will overcome all problems and challenges. On the whole, I believe we youngsters should face the difficulties in right manner. And nothing is impossible, brave it out and just do it!


       众所周知,我们存在于一个有各种困难的动态世界中。当我们面对它们时,没有什么比希望和自信更重要的了。有了信心,我们可以找到一些人 但这个问题并不像我们想象的那么“大”。


       因此,有些人放弃了,有些人坚持坚持了下去。在我看来,有信心,正确的评估中的困难,以及充分的准备,努力和发挥你的力量,然后我们就会克服 所有的问题和挑战。总的来说,我认为我们年轻人应该以正确的方式面对这些困难。没有什么是不可能的,勇敢地走出来,然后就去做吧!



       Believe in Yourself,And You Will Win One night in August when I was doing my physics exercises,I met a difficult problem. Forty minutes passed I still couldn’t work it out..

       The answer was on the last few pages of the book. How I wanted to see the answer! But our teacher told us to do our homework by ourselves! My sister was in senior Two. Then she wanted to help me. But I refused. I studied the note and read my text book again and again. Finally,from one example my teacher gave us,I worked the problem out! How happy I was! Now friends,remember “Believe in yourself,and you will win.”





       life is not always full of smiles and flowers. every person has his

       own difficulties no matter how high his position or how great his

       achievement is. so it is of vital importance to have a correct attitude

       to face up to difficulties.

       some people feel so dejected about

       their difficulties that they fall into pessimism; others resort to

       putting the blame on others, the society or circumstance; still others

       are frightened by difficulties and give up halfway. all these people

       don’t use their abilities to overcome difficulties. so their attitudes

       are negative.

       the positive method is to utilize your ability to

       clear away your difficulties that appear in your way of life rather than

        run away from them. confront difficulties with joyful energy and

       enthusiasm , and you will find the difficulties are really not so hard

       as they appear and they will disappear in due course.


       生活并不总是充满了微笑和鲜花。每个人都有自己的困难,无论他的地位有多高,无论他的成就有多大。所以有一个正确的答案是至关重要的 面对困难的高度。

       有些人对自己的困难感到非常沮丧,以至于陷入悲观;另一些人则把责任归咎于他人、社会或环境;还有一些人被艰难吓坏了 捆绑和放弃一半。所有这些人都没有用他们的能力来克服困难。所以他们的态度是消极的。

       积极的方法是利用你的能力来清除你在生活方式中出现的困难,而不是逃离它们。以快乐的精力和热情面对困难 ,你会发现困难并不像它们看起来的那么困难,它们会在适当的时候消失。

       How to overcome the difficulties in life

        As the saying goes,Difficulties just like the spring , if you are strong and it would be weak, if you are weak ,it would be strong. So I think, In the face of the difficulties, we should welcome them, should not be fear or avoid .

        In order to succeed you must imagine yourself succeeding ; picture yourself facing a difficult challenge with poise and confidence . 如何克服生活中的困难


