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简介关于食品安全的英语作文500字_关于食品安全的英语作文500字左右       大家好,我很乐意和大家探讨关于食品安全的英语作文500字的相关问题。这个问题集合涵盖了关于食品安全的英语作文50



1.食品安全 (英语作文)




5.关于对食品安全问题发表自己的看法的英语作文 英语作文(在线急)



食品安全 (英语作文)


       These days, the topic about food safety has become more and more popular. For example, episodes of food poisoning cause illness in at least one third of the Chinese population each year, and this number is steadily increasing .In addition, events like “Sudan-red in eggs” has occurred one by one. So food security has become a series problem relating to everybody.

        Problems on food do harm to our health. If we eat something unsafe, we are easy to suffer from intestinal illness. For people who are otherwise ill or malnourished, or for the very old or young, even these relatively mild disturbances can be fatal. Besides, this issue has made people upset as they don’t know whether they have eaten is safe.

        So what should we do to solve this problem? Firstly, the government should take effective measures to stop the illegal products from flowing into the market. Secondly, salesmen should stop selling unsafe food. Last but not the least, we should learn to prevent ourselves from unsafe food.


       How to maintain consumption of food and safety

       The measure of whether a food is as expected, is the “general public’s perception.” To determine this, and collect, the legislature has established the German food book (§ 33 LMBG). Here is what the consumer sees commonly bee sting or rolled roasts. The Food Paper has such great importance in cases of dispute, as its non-legally binding guidelines are in the nature of expert opinion.

       We also find in local supermarkets and specialty products from all over Europe. Also on the trade in foodstuffs within the European Union therefore takes the LMBG position (§ 47a). It applies the principle of mutual recognition. Thus, any product that may be made in another EU Member State in accordance with the laws and regulations and is on the market, sold on the German market. This also applies if it is not likely to produce according to local laws (because, for example, an illegal in Germany, contains an ingredient). Food from countries not belonging to the EU, may only be placed on the European market if they comply with European regulations, or where the recipient country. The LMBG is supplemented by numerous regulations and laws that regulate issues of special products or production.

       So writes the Food Hygiene Regulation (LMHV) eg Precautions when handling food before. The additive Zulassungsverordnung (ZZulV) regulates in detail which additives may be used in the manufacture of food products. The food labeling regulations (LMKV) contains the rules about what information on the packaging of the food must be found. Moreover, there are many foods for specific regulations, which set out requirements for the manufacture, marketing and labeling as well as specific health conditions. Are important to include the regulation of fruit juice, the wine law and the meat regulation.

       In order to comply with the hygiene regulations and ensure the safety of food, there is the food. It is the responsibility of the provinces, which they carry out with the help of the local competent food control authorities. These are usually in the public order, the local police or the Veterinary found. In every State shall be referred to as sample and control plans that specify which operations when and where the samples tested will be taken. Specially trained food inspectors come a unannounced once or twice a year in each facility that has to do with food. Supermarkets, weekly market stalls, factory canteens, slaughterhouses – at all stages of food production and in all enterprises is controlled. Companies that produce particularly sensitive, perishable foodstuffs, processing or marketing, also be monitored intensively.

       The supermarket and weekly market stall is the last stop of a food on its way from production of raw materials to consumers. Here too, the provisions of LMHV. Particularly sensitive areas are the meat and cheese counter, the salad bar as well as the freezers. The salespeople are required to wash their hands regularly and to keep clean the clothes and the work environment. Although it is allowed to handle meat and cheese with his bare hand, but forks are a lot more hygienic. When goods are cut due to the larger surface area, the risk that spoilage organisms settle bigger. Sliced sausage should not therefore be handled with bare hands. Raw poultry is often contaminated with salmonella. It with his bare hands and then touching other meat or even cheese is banned for that reason. It is also risky to go straight without washing their hands between the meat and cheese counter. In this way, salmonella or other bacteria could be transferred to the cheese. Is inadmissible to use for meat, cheese and sausage the same cutting machine.

       Salads and dressings spoil easily. Therefore, the counters shall be of easily cleanable shielding to prevent the coughing, Anniesen or direct contact. The cutlery for removal should be long enough so that it can not fall into the salad, and the dishes should be arranged so that the salads are not affected when it is served. For frozen meat and fish products is a cooling temperature of -18 ° C important. In the trade, but small fluctuations are tolerated. While vegetables at elevated temperature, only to lose flavor and vitamins, there is fish and meat is a risk that bacteria multiply.

       Due to the special situation is also sold at local markets pay attention to a few. Needless to say, it stands hygienic weekly reach. Meat, fish, salads or cheese need to be here also protected by shields. Raw meat at markets should not even be sold. The labeling requirements are respected. It is usually not a problem for salads and similar products weighed wish to bring your own vessel on the market. Before that, however, the dealer should be asked. The need to balance the fact of his “tare function, which subtracts the weight of the container weighed automatically.

       From the hygienic point of view, there are no objections, fruits and vegetables before you buy befühlen with his hands, since all varieties should be washed before eating. Since the product but the retailer belongs to them paid by the customer, he will decide whether fruits and vegetables may be feels.

       On customized classes one can choose in the rule itself, which comes in the bag. But wrapped up by the dealer, you can be unlucky and find when unpacking at home too mushy apples. That must put up with anyone. First, the seller may deliver only flawless, pristine product. On the other hand gives the classification, which definitely needs to be characterized, in principle, a promise of quality. Says the sign at the apple “Hkl.1〃, then land must also be in the bag by the consumer classification 1st

       Despite all the precautions and controls, it is always possible that the cheese in the supermarket yesterday bought out upon opening the box as moldy. Who wants to reclaim food, has several options: The easiest way is a complaint to the dealer. This has to bear in accordance with its warranty obligations to ensure that the goods marketed by him is perfect. Accordingly, he is obliged to take back corrupt or damaged goods, and provide replacement. Therefore, the customer must e.g. with the receipt to prove that the complained the product was actually purchased there. Even a complaint with the manufacturers is possible. Sometimes companies add their product with a guarantee of quality on which they assert that the product has left their house in perfect condition. Especially with biscuits and chocolate which is often the case. If the consumer has reason to object, he can send the original packaging along with the complaint, stating the place of purchase to the company and is replaced in most cases, replacement. Even if no such quality guarantee was given, may be worth this way. It becomes more difficult if you want to reclaim the goods from the weekly market. There is usually no receipt so far. In addition, the market often takes place daily, so that complaints can not be immediately raised. Therefore, it is advisable to check the goods just before the purchase. A complaint to the dealer must nevertheless not be in vain. Often the sellers trust the customer to apologize and give compensation. The seller retains stubbornly unrepentant, a loud conversation that is heard by many people standing around lead to success.

       Occur after eating or symptoms can be found foreign objects in food, this is a case for local food. Here it must be assumed that other people are at risk. In order to be able to act quickly, requires the Authority and Others the following information:

       1. As the food was packaged and labeled (expiration date, classification, quantity)

       2.When was loose items, as it was labeled? Name of the manufacturer or importer

       3.Wo it was purchased and when?

       4.Unter what terms were offered the food or stored (self-service, refrigerated)?

       5.Welcher defect was observed when?

       6.Gab it by smell or taste different or altered appearance, for example, flocculation, turbidity?

       7.How the food was stored at home, how much time was between purchase and consumption?

       8.Wie much time passed between consumption and physical ailments?

       A suspect food should be delivered in its original packaging, which requires the supervisory authority for the further prosecution of suspicion. In the event of a complaint, which seeks to prevent a threat to other people, is the study of charge.



       Food Safety

       Currently, many problems concerning the safety of food have popped up. As for me, I believe at least three factors account for this issue。

       First, I observe that profits drive many food producers to commit illegal things. They aim to gain more money at the expense of consumers’ health. Second, the overuse of agricultural pesticide has resulted in the degradation of food quality. The excessive pesticide bears enormous health hazard for people. Furthermore, some food producers inject hormones into domestic

       animals so as to make them grow more quickly and thus they can turn in more profit. As a result, people’s health has been seriously disturbed。

       All in all, food safety is such a great concern, and we all should do establish laws and implement them effectively to avoid producing toxic foods。





       Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China ha畅筏扳禾殖鼓帮态爆卡s caught everyone’s concern. In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we e by a healthy eating and a harmonious world. IN THE WEEKEND, MY FRIENDS AND I DECIDED TO GO TO THE PARK AND HAVE A PICNIC, TO CELEBRATE THE END OF EXAMINATIONS. WE WALKED THERE SINCE IT WASN'T VERY FAR AND JUST AS WE WERE GOING TO UNPACK THE FOOD, IT STARTED TO RAIN. SO IN THE END WE ALL DECIDED TO GO TO MY HOUSE, AND HAD OUR PICNIC FOOD THERE. THEN WE WATCHED SOME JAPANESE ANIMES, THOUGH IT WAS RATHER BORING AS WE'VE SEEN IT ALL A DOZEN TIMES. BUT THERE WAS REALLY NOTHING ELSE TO DO. AT 5 O' CLOCK, MY FRIENDS WENT HOME WITH THEIR PARENTS. THAT WEEKEND WAS THE WORST ONE IN MY LIFE. LAST WEEKEND, I WAS ABOUT TO GO OUTSIDE TO PLAY WHEN I SAW MY MOTHER IS BUSY WITH HOUSEWORK . SHE LOOKED SO TIRED, AND I FELT GUILTY. THEREFORE I MADE A DETERMINATION TO SHARE HOUSEWORK WITH HER. I WAS ABOUT TO WASH THE CLOTHES WHEN MY FRIEND CALLED ME UP AND ASKED ME TO PLAY WITH HER. I TOLD HER THAT I WOULD GO ON THE CONDITION THAT COMPLETING MY WASHING. THEN I GO ON WASHING .ONLY THEN DID I REALIZED IT WAS SUCH A TIRING THING TO WASH CLOTHES, AND HOW TIRED MY MOTHER WAS. WHILE MY MOTHER NOT ONLY WORKED OUTSIDE BUT ALSO TOOK THE RESPONSIBILITY OF OUR HOUSEWORK INSIDE, HOWEVER,SHE HAS NEVER COMPLAINTED ABOUT IT. AFTER WASHING I FELT TIRED THOUGH ,MY MOTHER PRAISED ME ,AND SAID THAT I WAS A GOOD CHILD. I FELT HAPPY. Dear editor, I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety. A couple of days ago,one of my clas *** ates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food. Unfortunately,after finishing it,all of them got poisoned and had stomachaches with their faces pale. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine. This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety. Yours, Li Hua Food Safety in China With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s concern. In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we e by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.

关于对食品安全问题发表自己的看法的英语作文 英语作文(在线急)

       The food security of our country is improving constantly

       "The fruit has no taste of fruit! ""Chicken eaten now is all carnivorous chickens that raise! ""The beefsteak is put into the pan and surfaced once heating! "……A lot of persons show, our food was not healthy in the past now, but the actual conditions were not so: From the point of science and health, we take good than any time in the past. Spain " interesting " monthly magazine number publish one entitled as November <<What are we eating? >>Article,understand among them the whole story:

       Perhaps much food has really lost it already existing " natural taste ", but been improved greatly on security.

       However, in these decades, about the checking and controlling and finishing on food production and intermediate link which consume the roller chain all the time of food hygiene, that is to go on while the industry of food such as the processing, packaging transform, starting point and terminal point never in this roller chain go on. Not only checked and controlled the mode and sounded the police whistle for this kind in serious " food crisis " happening in recent years, make consumers lose confidence to food production and links consumed in the roller chain too.

       Mad cow disease started in, in whom Britain find, cause cause of disease to add animal bone meal the feed of " pollute " mainly. This kind of bone meal is from the animal dying of illness at first. Mad cow disease spread in the herds of cattle of Britain rapidly, later, the person of the beef of edible disease was infected too. Later, Belgium take place chicken feed " pollute ", cause chicken dioxin incident that content exceeded standard again, and chicken polluted is for exporting. Animal's diseases such as foot-and-mouth disease, swine fever breaking out in recent years,etc., it is damaged to cause consumers' confidence too. Nowadays, high pathogenic bird flu has already spread to a lot of countries and regions, if the Model H5N1 virus causes interpersonal infection, may cause 4 million deaths in the whole world.

       But " food crisis " constant to take place, impel international health organ introduce each link overall to food production go on measure that monitor too, from to construct kind, poultry brood, reap to crop, poultry's domestic animal slaughters and processes plant, transportation, sell and consumer last consumption,etc. to reach food finally.

       On the other hand, various " food crisis " consumer that attack, become to food hygiene already too and security issue extremely sensitive, they highly pay close attention to the quality of the food consumed by oneself. In including little additive, not including antibiotic, not using ripener, not including pesticide residues etc., people's requirements for food are higher and higher.


       Food safety has always been an issue in China.According to the official report, even in Beijing, most children can count on contracting food poisoning at least once a year.The problem is, buying anything that is processed becomes a roll of the dice.From my point of view, there are three main reasons for this.First, many illegal traders are producing fake foods.Now we're struggling with the issue of fake eggs. They are nearly impossible to distinguish before buying and far cheaper to make than real eggs are to lay.Second, the government didn't set a perfect system on food.Since the huge market, the government can't keep an eye on every single company.Third, people should keep their eyes peeled for 'fake food'.(don't get enough space to talk about it).All in all, food safety is a social problem.We hope the government, traders, and customer join hands to resist fake food.

       Eating Safely

       Food safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice.

       First, we shouldn’t go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn’t safe, such as unhealthy oil.

       Second, we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food.

       Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe.
